Charity of the Year

Hands Up For Down's

2021 was the first year the businesses came together to support, fundraise and promote a Swansea based charity under the brand. Whilst we will continue to support the many charity and fundraising requests, our main focus will be our featured charity.

Our featured charity is Hands Up For Downs. Hands Up For Downs was established in 2011/12 and have since been working hard to be there for future families giving support and ensuring children with Down’s Syndrome get access to the services they need.

“Hands Up For Down’s aims to promote social inclusion for our children and their families by raising awareness and changing perceptions. We aim to challenge the outdated perceptions of Down’s Syndrome by informing and educating.”

“We assist in the care and development of our children by providing support, advice and training about Down’s Syndrome to health and educational specialists to ensure their continued development.”

“We want our children to have access to the services they require and deserve, to access mainstream education if they wish and move into employment, to lead fulfilling lives, to gain independence and develop lasting friendships and relationships. We want them to become valued members of our community and wider society.”

We are fully committed to the staff and families at Hands Up For Downs and aim to support the charity by way of fundraising, volunteering our staff time and promoting the charity in and around the city of Swansea.

So far to date, we have raised over £10k through events such as;

  • An evening with ‘The Paint Along Lady’
  • £1 donated for every room booking in December
  • Morgans Christmas Light Switch On 

To make a donation, please visit:

To find out more information about the charity please visit:

Hands up for Down's Charity | Morgans Hotel

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